Home > NoiseTools > nt_bsplot2.m



nt_bsplot(x,percentile,style,abscissa,zeroflag,rmsflag) - plot average with confidence interval


function nt_bsplot2(x,percentile,style,abscissa,zeroflag,rmsflag)


nt_bsplot(x,percentile,style,abscissa,zeroflag,rmsflag) - plot average with confidence interval

  x: data to plot (time * trials, or time * 1 * trials)
  percentile: width of band to plot in standard deviations (default: 2)
  style: 'zerobased' (default) or 'meanbased'
  abscissa: use this vector as plot's abscissa (as in 'plot(abscissa,x)' )
  zeroflag: if 1 draw zero line (default: 1)
  rmsflag: if 1 use RMS instead of mean (default==0)
  where x is time*trials will plot the average of x over trials, together
  with +/- 2SDs of the bootstrap resampling.



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function nt_bsplot2(x,percentile,style,abscissa,zeroflag,rmsflag)
0002 %nt_bsplot(x,percentile,style,abscissa,zeroflag,rmsflag) - plot average with confidence interval
0003 %
0004 %  x: data to plot (time * trials, or time * 1 * trials)
0005 %  percentile: width of band to plot in standard deviations (default: 2)
0006 %  style: 'zerobased' (default) or 'meanbased'
0007 %  abscissa: use this vector as plot's abscissa (as in 'plot(abscissa,x)' )
0008 %  zeroflag: if 1 draw zero line (default: 1)
0009 %  rmsflag: if 1 use RMS instead of mean (default==0)
0010 %
0011 %  Example:
0012 %    nt_bsplot(x)
0013 %  where x is time*trials will plot the average of x over trials, together
0014 %  with +/- 2SDs of the bootstrap resampling.
0015 %
0016 % NoiseTools.
0018 if nargin<6 || isempty(rmsflag) ; rmsflag=0; end
0019 if nargin<5 || isempty(zeroflag) ; zeroflag=1; end
0020 if nargin<4; abscissa=[]; end
0021 if nargin<3 || isempty(style); style='zerobased'; end
0022 if nargin<2 || isempty(percentile); percentile=[5 95]; end
0024 if numel(percentile)==1
0025     percentile=[percentile,100-percentile];
0026 end
0028 x=squeeze(x);
0029 if ndims(x)>2; error('X should have at most 2 non-singleton dimensions'); end
0030 [m,n]=size(x);
0031 if n<2; error('bootstrap resampling requires more than 1 column'); end
0032 if isempty(abscissa); abscissa=1:m; end
0033 if numel(abscissa) ~= size(x,1); error('abscissa should be same size as x'); end
0035 N=1000;
0036 if rmsflag
0037     [a,~,c]=nt_bsrms(x,N);
0038 else
0039     [a,~,c]=nt_bsmean(x,N);
0040 end
0041 percentile
0042 c=[prctile(c',percentile(1))',prctile(c',percentile(2))'];
0043 if strcmp(style,'zerobased')
0044     c=c-repmat(a,1,2);
0045 elseif strcmp(style,'meanbased');
0046     ;
0047 else
0048     error('!');
0049 end
0050 Y=[c(:,1);flipud(c(:,2))];
0052 abscissa=abscissa(:);
0053 X=[abscissa;flipud(abscissa)];
0054 C=0.7*[1 1 1];
0055 fill(X,Y,C,'edgecolor','none');
0056 hold on;
0057 plot(a*0,'k');
0058 plot(abscissa,a); 
0059 hold off
0061 % return
0062 %
0063 % abscissa2=linspace(min(abscissa),max(abscissa),m*2);
0064 % plot(abscissa2,b,'g');
0065 % c=get(gca,'children'); set(c(1),'color',[.7 .7 .7])
0066 % hold on;
0067 % plot(abscissa,a,'b');
0068 % if zeroflag;
0069 %     plot(abscissa,0*a,'k');
0070 %     c=get(gca,'children'); set(c(1),'color',[.5 .5 .5])
0071 % end
0072 % %set(gca,'xlim',[1 m])
0073 % hold off

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