Home > NoiseTools > nt_idx_disp.m



nt_idx_disp(name,field,explainflag) - display contents of index file


function nt_idx_disp(name,field,explainflag)


nt_idx_disp(name,field,explainflag) - display contents of index file

  name: name of file
  field: field to display in detail
  explainflag: if true, explain contents of each field



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function nt_idx_disp(name,field,explainflag)
0002 %nt_idx_disp(name,field,explainflag) - display contents of index file
0003 %
0004 %  name: name of file
0005 %  field: field to display in detail
0006 %  explainflag: if true, explain contents of each field
0007 %
0008 % NoiseTools
0009 nt_greetings;
0011 if nargin<1; name=pwd; end
0012 if nargin<2; field=[]; end
0013 if nargin<3; explainflag=0; end
0015 % check name, parse into path, etc.
0016 if ~ischar(name); error('name should be a string'); end
0017 avoid=['[',1:31, 127,']'];
0018 if regexp(name,avoid); 
0019     disp('bad character in file name, skip:'); disp(['   >',name,'<']); 
0020     return; 
0021 end
0022 if name=='.'; name=pwd; end
0023 if name(end)=='/'; name=name(1:end-1); end % remove trailing slash
0024 [PATHSTR,NAME,EXT]=fileparts(name);
0025 if strcmp(EXT,'idx'); 
0026     disp(['warning: ', name, ' might be index file']); 
0027 end
0028 if isempty(PATHSTR); % interpret relative to current directory
0029     name=[pwd,filesep,name]; % full path, safe to use 'exist'
0030 end
0031 [PATHSTR,NAME,EXT]=fileparts(name); 
0032 if 2==exist(name) 
0033     d=dir(name);
0034     filename=d.name;            % match case to file system
0035     PATHSTR=cd(cd(PATHSTR));    % match case to file system
0036     name=[PATHSTR,filesep,filename];
0037 elseif 7==exist(name)
0038     name=cd(cd(name));          % match case to file system
0039     [PATHSTR,NAME,EXT]=fileparts(name); 
0040 else
0041     disp(name);
0042     error('...is neither file nor directory');
0043 end
0045 idxDir=[PATHSTR,filesep,'nt_idx'];
0046 idxFile=[idxDir,filesep,NAME,EXT,'.idx'];
0048 if 2~=exist(idxFile); 
0049     disp(idxFile)
0050     disp('index file not found');
0051     return
0052 end
0054 load('-mat',idxFile);  % loads hh, ii
0055 a.hh=hh;
0056 a.ii=ii;
0058 if ~isempty(field)
0059     eval(['a=a.',field,';']);
0060 end
0062 if ~explainflag
0063     if isnumeric(a)
0064         figure(100); clf; plot(nt_demean(a)); 
0065     else
0066         disp(a);
0067     end
0068 elseif ~isempty(a)
0069     fieldNames=fieldnames(a);
0070     for iFieldName=1:numel(fieldNames)
0071         fieldName=fieldNames{iFieldName};
0072         switch fieldName
0073             case 'hh'
0074                 disp('hh: header and metadata');
0075             case 'ii'
0076                 disp('ii: index describing the data')
0077             case 'name'
0078                 disp('name: name of file or directory that was indexed');
0079             case 'idxName'
0080                 disp('idxName: name of index file');
0081             case 'time_indexed'
0082                 disp('time_indexed: date/time at which this was indexed (datenumber)');
0083             case 'failed'
0084                 disp('failed: 1 = indexing failed');
0085             case 'isdir'
0086                 disp('isdir: 1 = directory');
0087             case 'dir'
0088                 disp('dir: directory list (for directory) or entry (for file)') 
0089             case 'filelist'
0090                 disp('filelist: info for each file in this directory');
0091             case 'isdata'
0092                 disp('isdata: 1 = file was recognized as containing indexable data');
0093             case 'nfiles'
0094                 disp('nfiles: total number of indexed files within this directory & subdirectories');
0095             case 'bytes'
0096                 disp('bytes: total number of bytes within this file or directory & subdirectories');
0097             case 'date'
0098                 disp('date: directory date field for this file or directory');
0099             case 'sr'
0100                 disp('sr: sampling rate, if known');
0101             case 'depth'
0102                 disp('depth: depth of the subdirectory hierarchy');
0103             case 'ndirs'
0104                 disp('ndirs: total number of directories within this directory & subdirectories');
0105             case 'nbad'
0106                 disp('nbad: dunno what this means...');
0107             case 'ndata'
0108                 disp('ndata: total number of data files in this directory & subdirectories');
0109             case 'nskip'
0110                 disp('nskip: total number of files that were skipped in this directory & subdirectories');
0111             case 'ext'
0112                 disp('ext: extension of this file''s name');
0113             case 'type'
0114                 disp('type: type of this data file');
0115             case 'ntypes'
0116                 disp('ntypes: number of files of each type in this directory & subdirectories');
0117             case 'size'
0118                 disp('size: dimensions of matrix being indexed')
0119             case 'originalsize'
0120                 disp('originalsize: original dimensions before transposing');
0121             case 'min'
0122                 disp('min: minimum over interval of samples');
0123             case 'max'
0124                 disp('max: maximum over interval of samples');
0125             case 'mean'
0126                 disp('mean: mean over interval of samples');
0127             case 'var'
0128                 disp('var: variance over interval of samples')
0129             case 'card'
0130                 disp('card: cardinality of interval of samples');
0131             otherwise
0132                 disp([fieldName,': ?']);
0133         end
0134     end
0135 end

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