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[y,idx,w]=nt_tsr_nodemean(x,ref,shifts,wx,wref,keep,thresh) - time-shift regression (TSPCA)


function [y,idx,w]=nt_tsr_nodemean(x,ref,shifts,wx,wref,keep,thresh)


[y,idx,w]=nt_tsr_nodemean(x,ref,shifts,wx,wref,keep,thresh) - time-shift regression (TSPCA)

  y: denoised data 
  idx: x(idx) is aligned with y
  w: weights applied by tsr
  x: data to denoise (time * channels * trials)
  ref: reference (time * channels * trials)
  shifts: array of shifts to apply to ref (default: [0])
  wx: weights to apply to x (time * 1 * trials);
  wref: weights to apply to ref (time * 1 * trials);
  keep: number of shifted-ref PCs to retain (default: all)
  thresh: ignore shifted-ref PCs smaller than thresh (default: 10.^-12)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [y,idx,w]=nt_tsr_nodemean(x,ref,shifts,wx,wref,keep,thresh)
0002 %[y,idx,w]=nt_tsr_nodemean(x,ref,shifts,wx,wref,keep,thresh) - time-shift regression (TSPCA)
0003 %
0004 %  y: denoised data
0005 %  idx: x(idx) is aligned with y
0006 %  w: weights applied by tsr
0007 %
0008 %  x: data to denoise (time * channels * trials)
0009 %  ref: reference (time * channels * trials)
0010 %  shifts: array of shifts to apply to ref (default: [0])
0011 %  wx: weights to apply to x (time * 1 * trials);
0012 %  wref: weights to apply to ref (time * 1 * trials);
0013 %  keep: number of shifted-ref PCs to retain (default: all)
0014 %  thresh: ignore shifted-ref PCs smaller than thresh (default: 10.^-12)
0016 % Copyright 2007, 2008 Alain de Cheveigne
0018 % See:
0019 % de Cheveign\'e, A. and Simon, J. Z. (2007). "Denoising based on
0020 % Time-Shift PCA." Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165: 297-305.
0021 %
0022 % The basic idea is to project the signal X on a basis formed by the
0023 % orthogonalized time-shifted REF, and remove the projection. Supposing REF
0024 % gives a good observation of the noise that contaminates X, the noise is
0025 % removed. By allowing time shifts, the algorithm finds the optimal FIR filter
0026 % to apply to REF so as to compensate for any convolutional mismatch
0027 % between X and REF.
0028 %
0029 % Implementation issues:
0030 % - Data are often available as an array of epochs. This implementation
0031 % caters for 3D data (time * channnels * trials);
0032 % - It is important to deemphasize high amplitude artifacts and glitches
0033 % so that they do not dominate the solution.  This implementation uses
0034 % weighted covariance and means.
0035 % - Processing assumes zero-means data. Means are calculated with weights.
0036 % - The implementation tries to be efficent and minimize memory requirements
0037 % so as to handle large data sets.
0038 %
0039 % Larger data sets (disk based) could be handled by performing mean and
0040 % covariance calculations block-by-block, in several passes.
0043 if nargin<2; error('too few arguments'); end
0044 if nargin<3 || isempty(shifts); shifts=0; end
0045 if nargin<4; wx=[]; end
0046 if nargin<5; wref=[]; end
0047 if nargin<6 || isempty(keep); keep=[]; end
0048 if nargin<7 || isempty(thresh); thresh=10.^-20; end
0050 % check argument values for sanity
0051 if size(x,1)~=size(ref,1); error('X and REF should have same nrows'); end
0052 if size(x,3)~=size(ref,3); error('X and REF should have same npages'); end
0053 if ~isempty(wx) && size(x,3)~=size(wx,3); error('X and WX should have same npages'); end
0054 if ~isempty(wx) && size(x,1)~=size(wx,1); error('X and WX should have same nrows'); end
0055 if ~isempty(wref) && size(ref,1)~=size(wref,1); error('REF and WREF should have same nrows'); end
0056 if ~isempty(wref) && size(ref,3)~=size(wref,3); error('REF and WREF should have same npages'); end
0057 if max(shifts)-min(0,min(shifts)) >= size(x,1); error('X has too few samples to support SHIFTS'); end
0058 if ~isempty(wx) && size(wx,2)~=1; error('wx should have ncols=1'); end
0059 if ~isempty(wref) && size(wref,2)~=1; error('wref should have ncols=1'); end
0060 if ~isempty(wx) && sum(wx(:))==0; error('weights on x are all zero!'); end
0061 if ~isempty(wref) && sum(wref(:))==0; error('weights on ref are all zero!'); end
0063 if numel(shifts)>1000; error(['numel(shifts)=',num2str(numel(shifts)), ' (if OK comment out this line)']); end
0065 % We need to adjust x and ref to ensure that shifts are non-negative.
0066 % If some values of shifts are negative, we increment shifts and truncate x.
0068 % adjust x to make shifts non-negative
0069 offset1=max(0,-min(shifts));
0070 idx=1+offset1:size(x,1);
0071 x=x(idx,:,:);                             % truncate x
0072 if ~isempty(wx); wx=wx(idx,:,:); end
0073 shifts=shifts+offset1;                    % shifts are now positive
0075 % adjust size of x
0076 offset2=max(0,max(shifts)); 
0077 idx=1: size(ref,1)-offset2; 
0078 x=x(idx,:,:);                           % part of x that overlaps with time-shifted refs
0079 if ~isempty(wx); wx=wx(idx,:,:); end
0081 [mx,nx,ox]=size(x);
0082 [mref,nref,oref]=size(ref);
0084 % consolidate weights into single weight matrix
0085 w=zeros([mx,1,oref]);
0086 if isempty(wx) && isempty(wref)
0087     w(1:mx,:,:)=1;
0088 elseif isempty(wref);
0089     w(:,:,:)=wx(:,:,:);
0090 elseif isempty(wx)
0091     for k=1:ox
0092         wr=wref(:,:,k);
0093         wr=nt_multishift(wr,shifts);
0094         wr=min(wr,[],2);
0095         w(:,:,k)=wr;
0096     end;
0097 else
0098     for k=1:ox
0099         wr=wref(:,:,k);
0100         wr=nt_multishift(wr,shifts);
0101         wr=min(wr,[],2);
0102         wr=min(wr,wx(1:size(wr,1),:,k));
0103         w(:,:,k)=wr;
0104     end
0105 end
0106 wx=w;
0107 wref=zeros(mref,1,oref);
0108 wref(idx,:,:)=w;
0110 % remove weighted means
0111 %[x,mn1]=demean(x,wx);
0112 %ref=demean(ref,wref);
0114 % equalize power of ref chans, then equalize power of ref PCs
0115 ref=nt_normcol(ref,wref);
0116 ref=nt_pca_nodemean(ref,0,[],10^-6);
0117 ref=nt_normcol(ref,wref);
0119 % covariances and cross covariance with time-shifted refs
0120 [cref,twcref]=nt_cov(ref,shifts,wref);
0121 [cxref,twcxref]=nt_xcov(x,ref,shifts,wx);
0123 % regression matrix of x on time-shifted refs
0124 r=nt_regcov(cxref/twcxref,cref/twcref,keep,thresh);
0126 %r=r*0.765;
0128 % TSPCA: clean x by removing regression on time-shifted refs
0129 y=zeros(mx,nx,ox);
0130 for k=1:ox
0131     z=nt_multishift(ref(:,:,k),shifts)*r;
0132     %plot([x(1:size(z,1),1,k), z(:,1)]); pause
0133     y(:,:,k)=x(1:size(z,1),:,k)-z;
0134 end
0135 %[y,mn2]=demean(y,wx);    % multishift(ref) is not necessarily 0 mean
0137 %idx=1+offset1:n0-offset2;
0138 idx=1+offset1:size(y,1)+offset1;
0139 %mn=mn1+mn2;
0140 w=wref;
0142 %y=vecadd(y,mn);

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