[Equipe Audition] [CNRS] [LPP Paris 5] [ENS] [DEC]

Fast recognition of natural sounds: Auditory Illustrations

In some of our experiments (e.g., Agus, Suied, Thorpe and Pressnitzer, 2012), we observed patterns of responses unique to vocal sounds. In order to explore what simple acoustic cues led to this voice specificity, we designed "auditory chimeras". The auditory chimeras were generated by imposing the long-term average spectrum of one sound on another sound. Here are some examples:
(click on the images to listen)

Spectrum of...

Temporal cues of...

S-voice/T-strings: S-voice/T-string STEP = Voice: Voice STEP & String: String STEP
S-string/T-voice = Strings:
String STEP &
Voice STEP
S-percussion/T-string S-percussion/T-string STEP = Percussion: Percussion STEP & String:
String STEP
S-string/T-percussion S-string/T-percussion STEP = Strings:
String STEP & Percussion:
Percussion STEP

Reference : Agus, T.R., Suied, C., Thorpe, S.J., & Pressnitzer, D. (2012). Fast recognition of musical sounds based on timbre. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131, 4124-4133.

[Equipe Audition] [CNRS] [LSP] [ENS] [DEC]