Lorenzi, C., Gilbert, G., Carn, H., Garnier, S., & Moore, B.C.J. (2006). Speech perception problems of the hearing impaired reflect inability to use temporal fine structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 103(49), 18866-18869.
Lorenzi, C., Husson, M., Ardoint, M. & Debruille, X. (2006). Speech masking release in listeners with flat hearing loss: Effects of masker fluctuation rate on identification scores and phonetic feature reception. International Journal of Audiology, 45, 487-495.
Gilbert, G., & Lorenzi, C. (2006). The ability of listeners to use recovered envelope cues from speech fine structure. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119, 2438-2444.
Füllgrabe, C., Berthommier, F., & Lorenzi, C. (2006). Masking release for consonant features in temporally fluctuating background noise. Hearing Research, 211, 74-84.
Meyer, B., Frachet, B., Poncet, C., Lancelin, D., & Lorenzi, C. (2007, October). Intelligibilité de la parole dans le bruit et démasquage de la parole chez les patients implantés cochléaires. 114ème Congrès Français d'ORL, Paris, France.
Lorenzi, C. (2007, August). Effects of cochlear lesions on the ability to use temporal envelope and fine structure cues in speech identification. International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research (ISAAR) Symposium. Helsingor, Denmark.
Lorenzi, C., Sheft, S., & Ardoint, M. (2007, August). TFS Speech. Satellite workshop of Interspeech: "Temporal Dynamics in Speech and Hearing". Antwerp, Belgium.
Lorenzi, C. (2007, July). New diagnostic tools for auditory impairment. Colloque Hearing and Seeing. Fighting sensory disabilities. Collège de France, Paris. [Conférencier invité]
Ardoint, M., Gorea, A., Debruille, X., Pressnitzer, D. & Lorenzi, C. (2007, June). Recognition of complex temporal envelopes in normal-hearing listeners and cochlear implantees. 8th Congress of the European Federation of the Audiological Societies (EFAS) & 10th Meeting of DGA; Heidelberg, Germany.
Meyer, B., Frachet, B., Poncet, C., Lancelin, D., & Lorenzi, C. (2007, June). Speech intelligibility in noise and masking release in cochlear implantees. III Meeting Consensus on Auditory Implants, Marseille, France.
Lorenzi, C., Ardoint, M., & Sheft, S. (2007, April). TFS speech. Meeting on the role of temporal fine structure in auditory processing. Parmly Hearing Institute, Chicago, USA
Gnansia, D., Meyer, B., Frachet, B., Philipon, B., Jourdes, V., & Lorenzi, C. (2007, February). Speech masking release in normal-hearing listeners: Effects of masker modulation depth and rate. Abstract AR0 571. 30th ARO mid-winter meeting, Feb 10-15, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Lorenzi, C., Gilbert, G., Carn, H., Garnier, S., & Moore, B.C.J. (2007, February). Effects of cochlear hearing loss on the ability to use temporal envelope or fine structure cues in speech identification. Abstract AR0 362. 30th ARO mid-winter meeting, Feb 10-15, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Moore, B.C.J., Hopkins, K., & Lorenzi, C. (2006, November). The role of temporal fine structure in pitch perception and speech perception. 7th European Investigators' Conference (EIC); Advanced Bionics. Paris, France.
Lorenzi, C., & Moore, B.C.J. (2006, November). Speech perception problems of the hearing impaired reflect inability to use temporal fine structure. 7th European Investigators' Conference (EIC); Advanced Bionics. Paris, France.