Change Detection in Auditory Textures (bibtex)
by Boubenec, Yves, Lawlor, Jennifer, Shamma, Shamma and Englitz, Bernhard
Boubenec, Yves, Lawlor, Jennifer, Shamma, Shamma and Englitz, Bernhard (2016). Change Detection in Auditory Textures. Adv Exp Med Biol, 894, 229–239.
Bibtex Entry:
	archiveprefix = {arXiv},
	arxivid = {arXiv:1011.1669v3},
	author = {Boubenec, Yves and Lawlor, Jennifer and Shamma, Shamma and Englitz, Bernhard},
	date-added = {2017-03-14 08:15:42 +0000},
	date-modified = {2017-03-14 08:15:42 +0000},
	doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-25474-6},
	eprint = {arXiv:1011.1669v3},
	file = {:home/yves/Bureau/Mendeley{\_}libexec/Audition/Boubenec/boubenec{\_}englitz{\_}2016.pdf:pdf},
	isbn = {978-3-319-25472-2},
	issn = {1098-6596},
	journal = {Adv Exp Med Biol},
	keywords = {icle},
	pages = {229--239},
	pmid = {25246403},
	title = {{Change Detection in Auditory Textures}},
	url = {},
	volume = {894},
	year = {2016}}
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