Predicting spike timing in highly synchronous auditory neurons at different sound levels (bibtex)
by Fontaine, B, Benichoux, V, Joris, PX and Brette, R
Fontaine, B, Benichoux, V, Joris, PX and Brette, R (2013). Predicting spike timing in highly synchronous auditory neurons at different sound levels. J Neurophysiol, 110, 1672-88.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Fontaine, B and Benichoux, V and Joris, PX and Brette, R},
	date-modified = {2014-07-01 14:14:53 +0000},
	journal = {J Neurophysiol},
	pages = {1672-88},
	pubmed = {23864375},
	title = {Predicting spike timing in highly synchronous auditory neurons at different sound levels},
	volume = {110},
	year = {2013}}
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