Comparison of the distortion of probability information in decision under risk and an equivalent visual task (bibtex)
by Glaser, C., Trommershäuser, J., Mamassian, P. and Maloney, L.T.
Glaser, C., Trommershäuser, J., Mamassian, P. and Maloney, L.T. (2012). Comparison of the distortion of probability information in decision under risk and an equivalent visual task. Psychological Science, 23, 419-426.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Glaser, C. and Trommersh{\"a}user, J. and Mamassian, P. and Maloney, L.T.},
	date-added = {2014-06-25 07:13:21 +0000},
	date-modified = {2014-07-01 14:24:11 +0000},
	journal = {Psychological Science},
	pages = {419-426},
	title = {Comparison of the distortion of probability information in decision under risk and an equivalent visual task},
	url = {},
	volume = {23},
	year = {2012}}
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