Probing the time course of head-motion cues integration during auditory scene analysis (bibtex)
by Kondo, Hirohito M, Toshima, Iwaki, Pressnitzer, Daniel and Kashino, Makio
Kondo, Hirohito M, Toshima, Iwaki, Pressnitzer, Daniel and Kashino, Makio (2014). Probing the time course of head-motion cues integration during auditory scene analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8 461, 170.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Kondo, Hirohito M and Toshima, Iwaki and Pressnitzer, Daniel and Kashino, Makio},
	date-added = {2016-05-03 08:55:30 +0000},
	date-modified = {2016-05-03 09:17:35 +0000},
	journal = {Frontiers in Neuroscience},
	number = {461},
	pages = {170},
	title = {{Probing the time course of head-motion cues integration during auditory scene analysis}},
	volume = {8},
	year = {2014}}
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