Neuropsychological outcome in children with optic pathway tumors when first-line treatment is chemotherapy (bibtex)
by Lacaze, E., Kieffert, V., Streri, A., Lorenzi, C., Gentaz, E., Habr, J-L., Dellatolas, G. and Kalifa, C. Grill, J.
Lacaze, E., Kieffert, V., Streri, A., Lorenzi, C., Gentaz, E., Habr, J-L., Dellatolas, G. and Kalifa, C. Grill, J. (2003). Neuropsychological outcome in children with optic pathway tumors when first-line treatment is chemotherapy. British Journal of Cancer, 89, 2038-2044.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Lacaze, E. and Kieffert, V. and Streri, A. and Lorenzi, C. and Gentaz, E. and Habr, J-L. and Dellatolas, G. and Kalifa, C. Grill, J.},
	date-added = {2014-07-02 09:13:04 +0000},
	date-modified = {2014-07-02 10:37:01 +0000},
	journal = {British Journal of Cancer},
	pages = {2038-2044},
	title = {Neuropsychological outcome in children with optic pathway tumors when first-line treatment is chemotherapy},
	volume = {89},
	year = {2003}}
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