Effects of envelope expansion on speech recognition (bibtex)
by Lorenzi, C., Berthommier, F., Apoux, F. and Bacri, N.
Lorenzi, C., Berthommier, F., Apoux, F. and Bacri, N. (1999). Effects of envelope expansion on speech recognition. Hearing Research, 136, 131-138.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Lorenzi, C. and Berthommier, F. and Apoux, F. and Bacri, N.},
	date-added = {2014-07-02 09:13:04 +0000},
	date-modified = {2014-07-02 10:39:11 +0000},
	journal = {Hearing Research},
	pages = {131-138},
	title = {Effects of envelope expansion on speech recognition},
	volume = {136},
	year = {1999}}
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