Predicting the perceived reverberation in different room acoustic environments using a binaural model (bibtex)
by A. Osses Vecchi, A. Kohlrausch, W. Lachenmayr and E. Mommertz
A. Osses Vecchi, A. Kohlrausch, W. Lachenmayr and E. Mommertz (2017). Predicting the perceived reverberation in different room acoustic environments using a binaural model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(4), EL381-EL387.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {A. {Osses Vecchi} and A. Kohlrausch and W. Lachenmayr and E. Mommertz},
	date-added = {2021-07-31 08:01:43 +0200},
	date-modified = {2021-08-05 14:40:44 +0200},
	doi = {10.1121/1.4979853},
	journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
	pages = {EL381-EL387},
	title = {Predicting the perceived reverberation in different room acoustic environments using a binaural model},
	volume = {141(4)},
	year = {2017}}
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