Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generation (bibtex)
by Piwkowska, Z., Pospischil, M., Brette, R., Sliwa, J., Rudolph-Lilith, M. and Bal, T.
Piwkowska, Z., Pospischil, M., Brette, R., Sliwa, J., Rudolph-Lilith, M. and Bal, T. (2008). Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 169, 302-322.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Piwkowska, Z. and Pospischil, M. and Brette, R. and Sliwa, J. and Rudolph-Lilith, M. and Bal, T.},
	date-added = {2014-06-25 07:13:21 +0000},
	date-modified = {2014-06-25 07:47:17 +0000},
	journal = {Journal of Neuroscience Methods},
	pages = {302-322},
	title = {Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generation},
	volume = {169},
	year = {2008}}
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