A calibration-free electrode compensation method (bibtex)
by Rossant, C, Fontaine B, Magnusson, AK and Brette, R
Rossant, C, Fontaine B, Magnusson, AK and Brette, R (2012). A calibration-free electrode compensation method. J Neurophys, 108, 2629-2639.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Rossant, C, Fontaine B and Magnusson, AK and Brette, R},
	date-modified = {2014-07-01 14:38:52 +0000},
	journal = {J Neurophys},
	pages = {2629-2639},
	pubmed = {22896724},
	title = {A calibration-free electrode compensation method},
	volume = {108},
	year = {2012}}
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