Physiological correlates of comodulation masking release in the ventral cochlear nucleus (bibtex)
by Winter, Ian M, Pressnitzer, Daniel and Meddis, Ray
Winter, Ian M, Pressnitzer, Daniel and Meddis, Ray (2000). Physiological correlates of comodulation masking release in the ventral cochlear nucleus., 181–182.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Winter, Ian M and Pressnitzer, Daniel and Meddis, Ray},
	date-added = {2016-05-03 08:55:30 +0000},
	date-modified = {2016-05-03 08:55:30 +0000},
	pages = {181--182},
	title = {{Physiological correlates of comodulation masking release in the ventral cochlear nucleus}},
	year = {2000}}
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