Robust decoding of selective auditory attention from MEG in a competing-speaker environment via state-space modeling (bibtex)
by Akram, S., Presacco, A., Simon, J. Z., Shamma, S. A. and Babadi, B.
Akram, S., Presacco, A., Simon, J. Z., Shamma, S. A. and Babadi, B. (2016). Robust decoding of selective auditory attention from MEG in a competing-speaker environment via state-space modeling. NeuroImage, 124, 906-917.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Akram, S. and Presacco, A. and Simon, J. Z. and Shamma, S. A. and Babadi, B.},
	date-added = {2017-04-28 09:43:31 +0000},
	date-modified = {2017-04-28 09:44:44 +0000},
	journal = {NeuroImage},
	pages = {906-917},
	title = {Robust decoding of selective auditory attention from MEG in a competing-speaker environment via state-space modeling},
	volume = {124},
	year = {2016}}
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