Detection of brain activation in unresponsive patients with acute brain injury (bibtex)
by Claassen, Jan, Doyle, Kevin, Matory, Adu, Couch, Caroline, Burger, Kelly M, Velazquez, Angela, Okonkwo, Joshua U, King, Jean-Rémi, Park, Soojin, Agarwal, Sachin and others
Claassen, Jan, Doyle, Kevin, Matory, Adu, Couch, Caroline, Burger, Kelly M, Velazquez, Angela, Okonkwo, Joshua U, King, Jean-Rémi, Park, Soojin, Agarwal, Sachin and others (2019). Detection of brain activation in unresponsive patients with acute brain injury. New England Journal of Medicine Massachusetts Medical Society, 380 26, 2497–2505.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Claassen, Jan and Doyle, Kevin and Matory, Adu and Couch, Caroline and Burger, Kelly M and Velazquez, Angela and Okonkwo, Joshua U and King, Jean-R{\'e}mi and Park, Soojin and Agarwal, Sachin and others},
	date-added = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	date-modified = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	journal = {New England Journal of Medicine},
	number = {26},
	pages = {2497--2505},
	publisher = {Massachusetts Medical Society},
	title = {Detection of brain activation in unresponsive patients with acute brain injury},
	volume = {380},
	year = {2019}}
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