Spectral and temporal models of human pitch perception with mixtures of three concurrent harmonic complexes (bibtex)
by Graves, J. and Oxenham, A.
Graves, J. and Oxenham, A. (2019). Spectral and temporal models of human pitch perception with mixtures of three concurrent harmonic complexes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, EL, 145, 1784-1784.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Graves, J. and Oxenham, A.},
	date-added = {2020-07-01 12:05:44 +0100},
	date-modified = {2020-07-01 12:06:49 +0100},
	doi = {10.1121/1.5101525},
	journal = {The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, EL},
	pages = {1784-1784},
	title = {Spectral and temporal models of human pitch perception with mixtures of three concurrent harmonic complexes},
	volume = {145},
	year = {2019}}
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