Information sharing in the brain indexes consciousness in noncommunicative patients (bibtex)
by King, Jean-Rémi, Sitt, Jacobo D, Faugeras, Frédéric, Rohaut, Benjamin, El Karoui, Imen, Cohen, Laurent, Naccache, Lionel and Dehaene, Stanislas
King, Jean-Rémi, Sitt, Jacobo D, Faugeras, Frédéric, Rohaut, Benjamin, El Karoui, Imen, Cohen, Laurent, Naccache, Lionel and Dehaene, Stanislas (2013). Information sharing in the brain indexes consciousness in noncommunicative patients. Current Biology Cell Press, 23 19, 1914–1919.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {King, Jean-R{\'e}mi and Sitt, Jacobo D and Faugeras, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Rohaut, Benjamin and El Karoui, Imen and Cohen, Laurent and Naccache, Lionel and Dehaene, Stanislas},
	date-added = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	date-modified = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	journal = {Current Biology},
	number = {19},
	pages = {1914--1919},
	publisher = {Cell Press},
	title = {Information sharing in the brain indexes consciousness in noncommunicative patients},
	volume = {23},
	year = {2013}}
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