A model of subjective report and objective discrimination as categorical decisions in a vast representational space (bibtex)
by King, Jean-Rémi and Dehaene, Stanislas
King, Jean-Rémi and Dehaene, Stanislas (2014). A model of subjective report and objective discrimination as categorical decisions in a vast representational space. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences The Royal Society, 369 1641, 20130204.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {King, Jean-R{\'e}mi and Dehaene, Stanislas},
	date-added = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	date-modified = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences},
	number = {1641},
	pages = {20130204},
	publisher = {The Royal Society},
	title = {A model of subjective report and objective discrimination as categorical decisions in a vast representational space},
	volume = {369},
	year = {2014}}
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