Encoding and Decoding Framework to Uncover the Algorithms of Cognition (bibtex)
by King, J-R, Gwilliams, L, Holdgraf, C, Sassenhagen, J, Barachant, A, Engemann, D, Larson, E and Gramfort, A
King, J-R, Gwilliams, L, Holdgraf, C, Sassenhagen, J, Barachant, A, Engemann, D, Larson, E and Gramfort, A (2020). Encoding and Decoding Framework to Uncover the Algorithms of Cognition. The Cognitive Neurosciences VI, MIT Press, 6, 691-702.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {King, J-R and Gwilliams, L and Holdgraf, C and Sassenhagen, J and Barachant, A and Engemann, D and Larson, E and Gramfort, A},
	date-added = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	date-modified = {2021-07-27 22:02:42 +0200},
	journal = {The Cognitive Neurosciences VI, MIT Press},
	pages = {691-702},
	title = {Encoding and Decoding Framework to Uncover the Algorithms of Cognition},
	volume = {6},
	year = {2020}}
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