Dynamic engagement of human motion detectors across space-time coordinates (bibtex)
by Neri, P.
Neri, P. (2014). Dynamic engagement of human motion detectors across space-time coordinates. J. Neurosci., 34 25, 8449–8461.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Neri, P.},
	date-added = {2015-02-16 09:51:16 +0000},
	date-modified = {2015-02-16 09:51:16 +0000},
	journal = {J. Neurosci.},
	month = {Jun},
	number = {25},
	pages = {8449--8461},
	title = {{{D}ynamic engagement of human motion detectors across space-time coordinates}},
	volume = {34},
	year = {2014}}
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