Large scale screening of neural signatures of consciousness in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state (bibtex)
by Sitt, Jacobo Diego, King, Jean-Remi, El Karoui, Imen, Rohaut, Benjamin, Faugeras, Frederic, Gramfort, Alexandre, Cohen, Laurent, Sigman, Mariano, Dehaene, Stanislas and Naccache, Lionel
Sitt, Jacobo Diego, King, Jean-Remi, El Karoui, Imen, Rohaut, Benjamin, Faugeras, Frederic, Gramfort, Alexandre, Cohen, Laurent, Sigman, Mariano, Dehaene, Stanislas and Naccache, Lionel (2014). Large scale screening of neural signatures of consciousness in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state. Brain Oxford University Press, 137 8, 2258–2270.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Sitt, Jacobo Diego and King, Jean-Remi and El Karoui, Imen and Rohaut, Benjamin and Faugeras, Frederic and Gramfort, Alexandre and Cohen, Laurent and Sigman, Mariano and Dehaene, Stanislas and Naccache, Lionel},
	date-added = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	date-modified = {2020-02-19 20:51:39 +0100},
	journal = {Brain},
	number = {8},
	pages = {2258--2270},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	title = {Large scale screening of neural signatures of consciousness in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state},
	volume = {137},
	year = {2014}}
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